Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Combat Drug Addiction - With a script

Person 1 – drug user
Person 2 – trying to help

Person 1: Hey can you please help me, I’m in a really sticky situation?

Person 2: Yeah! Sure, what is it?

Person 1: I have been taking crack and I want to stop, but I can’t! I really need help! What can I do?????

Person 2: Well, this is a tough one. I have read there are two ways to cure your drug addiction. 1 method is quite easy, but may not be 100% effective, the other, is expensive, but is aroud 99% effective.

Person 1: Ok cut to the chase! What are the two methods?

Person 2:
Ok the easy method is:

Consult your parents, tell them your problems and hopefully they will understand.
Then they could seek the help of a counseller who will give you regular sessions.
However, the family and the counseller will have to trust you, not to be taking drugs over this time.

The second method is:

Get enrolled into a drug rehabilitation center. There, you will undergo, various tests, and experience some of your worst memories, but it is as I told you 99% effective.
Firstly you will undergo detoxification, where they will show you horrible and ugly pictures and various other things, which will hurt you.
Then you will undergo social education where they will teach you right from wrong, and tell you what to do if peer pressured into taking drugs.

Person 1: Gee Thanks! WOW, I hope I can get cured of this nasty habit. I owe you!

Some websites you can visit are:


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