Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Effects and Price

  • Short Term Effects - perception of objects are distorted, no sense time, hallucinations, senses become more aware (sight, small and sound), emotions change also known as mood swings. Also the physical effects are: dilated pupils, lowered body temperature, nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, rapid heart rate.

  • Long Term Effetcs - growing tolerance to the drug, but that goes away, if you keep using it, flashbacks and prolonged anxiety. The physical long term effects are not known. However, if used on a regular basis, can lead to death.

  • Side Effetcs - changes ion mood, high risk of epileptic fits, increased sociability or decreased sociability (depending on the type of trip that you have)

  • Withdrawal Effetcs - inability to sleep, anxiety, nausea, mental confusion and after high doses even fits.

  • Price of the Drug - LSD blotter paper can cost from Rp 50,000 - Rp 100,000. For liquid or tablet form it is only slightly more expensive, ranging from Rp 70,000 - Rp 250,000. However this form is much harder to find.

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